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Middle School After School (MSAS)

Open to students in grades 6–8

Middle School After School (MSAS) serves students in Gilman's Middle School and provides them with a supervised environment for quiet study, homework completion, or relaxation with friends (indoors or outdoors). Concurrently, it allows flexibility to families with a later pick-up time up until 6 p.m.

Students on campus after 4:15 p.m. and not involved in another supervised activity — such as academic help sessions, clubs, rehearsals, or interscholastic sports — must sign themselves into MSAS at 4:15 p.m. for the afternoon until they are picked up. Charges for MSAS begin at 4:30 p.m.

Five Middle School students walking together.
A wide view of the interior of the Middle School Library.
A student walks up the central stairs in the Middle School.
Three Middle School students walking and smiling together.
Two students read books quietly in the Middle School Library.



MSAS Availability, Rates, and Policies



Key Afternoon Programs Phone Numbers

To get in touch with Afternoon Programs staff during program hours, please use the following numbers:

After School Program, Lower School Enrichment, or Sibling Study Hall

410-323-3800, ext. 275 or 246

Middle School After School

410-323-3800, ext. 303

Emergency (Security Desk)
