Lumen Center Green Roof
A green roof lasts longer, provides cooling cost savings, mitigates urban heat island effects, may reduce requirements for stormwater management systems, and demonstrates responsible environmental stewardship. Plus, the roof is pretty cool in aerial photographs!
Rain Gardens
Four rain gardens around campus not only provide beauty but also filter rainwater, provide wildlife habitat and reduce the amount of grass to mow.
Lower School Gardens
Students plant and tend their own gardens irrigated with water collected in nearby rain barrels. The garden is the legacy of retired science teacher and master gardener Margaret Olgeirson. The boys also created and maintain a certified Monarch Waystation.
Gilman purchases and uses eco-friendly toilet tissues, paper towels, and cleaning chemicals. Motion sensor lights have been installed all around campus to ensure that lights are not left on longer than needed. Lights in the Finney Athletic Center arena have been retrofitted to provide greater efficiency, and a more efficient air handling system has also been added.
We recycle many materials beyond the expected paper, plastics, and cans. For recycling, the building and grounds staff collects all metals from projects, including aluminum, copper, lead, and steel. Batteries are also collected and sent for proper disposal.
Anything that can be composted (including milk cartons and napkins) goes into the composting buckets in the dining hall. Other than milk, all other beverages are served in glasses. The only true trash generally comes from saltine wrappers or ice cream wrappers. We can see the results: before composting, the School processed 128.5 tons of trash. Since composting, that number has averaged 83 tons.