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Andy Rich '81


As with you all, the year of COVID brought us many challenges, but it brought many blessings, so I will focus on them. I hope everyone in the Gilman family has been met with more positives than negatives and that your families are well. Carrie's and my youngest, Haley, graduates from Tufts U in Boston with some Anton Vishio phrase after her B.A. She’s all jobbed-up and excited about the next step. Of course, no more tuition effectively delivers us a massive raise in income, which is pretty cool. Her older sister, Chelsea, has been working in New York City with some “lit” tech brands doing market research. Carrie has started a cleaning business as a way to escape our down-sized empty nest, where I work from home. I have taken up volunteer firefighting and bought a Sandler Sales Training business to expand on what I have been doing in sales consulting for years. Guys, give me a call if I can potentially help you out with your sales/salespeople. If nothing else, it will be fun to catch up.


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