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Chris Hlubb '93


Chris Hlubb has a wife and three kids and lives in Ellicott City. Chris doesn’t have a lot of free time because, in 2020, just as COVID emerged, Chris began developing a biopurification technology to rapidly manufacture antimicrobial preventatives using naturally occurring immune proteins as a new class of non-toxic antivirals and alternative antibiotics. He brought together other scientists from Johns Hopkins and the agriculture industry and founded four companies in Maryland and Idaho and began working with the military at Ft. Detrick in 2021 to further develop joint medical countermeasures. The group is about to release its first product to the U.S. military and will also be sending a novel blast wound product to Ukraine. In 2023, Chris was elected to the board of a Department of Defense public-private partnership focused on the development of innovative medical technologies. Chris also works with two non-profit companies to help start-up companies.

reported by Matt Tucker


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