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Dixon Harvey '76


Dixon Harvey chimed in that it’s “all good on this end. Heading east from a conference and project site visit in Southern California. It was good to be with people again. Stopping in Denver tonight for a glimpse of our grandsons and kids there. Jan and I will have the boys (1 and 3) for 10 days in June. We welcome any strategies for survival.”

Dixon and Jan “celebrate 37 years in June, and she didn’t ditch me during the pandemic. We [also] became vegan when COVID hit, and it has been great for our health. (Truth be told, we are not hard-core, and when we go out, we happily eat whatever is served.)”

“Kids are all good. Our daughter and son in law in NY had a girl in October, and Madeline is adorable,”

Dixon added, also noting that he’s “working about half time, and Jan and I are fully engaged in helping our beloved city get healthier. It was great catching a glimpse of some of you all last fall. For any of you out-of-towners, you always have a bed when you want to visit Baltimore.”

reported by John Wharton '76


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