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Doug Ober '64

May 2022

I’m still on my journey of recovery from Fran’s death last April, helped by numerous friends here and elsewhere.

In October, my first grandson, Jackson Douglas Mele, was born to daughter Carlin. That brightened my general disposition by a lot. I’ve been to Salt Lake City to visit him several times; what a treat. He joins Isabelle, 25, and Piper, 5, in the lineup. Impossible for me to catch up with Fife and others. I’m in the process of building a new, smaller home here in Jackson Hole and will be able to welcome classmates after June (I hope). Son Mac, Gilman ’09, lives with me here for now.

I continue to downhill and Nordic ski, fish, hike, and bicycle for exercise as my knees are holding up pretty well. Acupuncture and yoga are certainly a help and I’d recommend them both to all. I’m headed back to Salt Lake in March to ski with brother Rick, Gilman ‘61, who keeps fit in New Jersey most of the time. This summer I plan to focus on building a respectable golf game. Other activities include the board of the St. John’s Health Foundation (local hospital support) and chair of its investment committee as well as the board of the local homeowners association. Not very exciting, I’m afraid, but I’m thoroughly enjoying retirement.


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