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Gerry Brewster '75


Gerry’s book project, a biography of his father, the late Senator Danny Brewster, is no less compelling in a different way. Written by former Baltimore Sun reporter John Frece, “Self-Destruction: The rise, fall, and redemption of U.S. Senator Daniel B. Brewster” chronicles a life both blessed and cursed, from war hero to civil rights advocate (the only U.S. senator from a below-the-Mason-Dixon-Line state to stand with LBJ on civil rights) to (seemingly) hopeless alcoholic. As Gerry writes, “The book even opens with a story involving Gerry and Chris Hutchins as 16-year-old Gilman students!”

The story is, indeed, wild. For more information, visit And Gerry, for his part, has printed up promotional postcards for the book, handing them out to anyone he runs into. “So far, they have been well received,” he writes. “The problem I am now running into though is having people tell me ‘Gerry, you already gave me one of those last week!’ lol.”

reported by Joe Hooper '75


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