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John Ramsay '59

April 2022

Marsha and John Ramsay have enjoyed several nice trips in the last year after the relaxing of travel limits. In August they visited Ahmic Lake in Canada where the family has had a summer home for decades, and they go every summer, but they missed 2020 because of COVID. This year, time was limited by the late Canadian release of their ban on crossing the border, but nonetheless they were excited to be there. In December, they visited Belize for 10 days where they met up with their kids, who came in from Arizona, and, as they put it, had a very interesting and exciting time with water and many other activities. In March, they met up with a number of friends at Longboat Key in Florida near Sarasota, where they have met a number of times, and had a great time socializing, enjoying the great beach there and other activities including attending opera.

reported by Chip Markell '59


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