Laurey Millspaugh sees “a fun pattern here as we all shift our attention to far-flung children and health. Jinks and I are no exception. We find ourselves traveling a lot, often south, to Richmond, where our oldest son, Martin, is a teacher at St. Christopher’s, and north, to Brooklyn, where our younger son works for a start-up helping those with low credit establish it. As I write, we are headed to Brooklyn as spectators/cheering section for the boys in the half marathon on Sunday.”
Laurey recently underwent a second knee replacement, “and got the green light to start tennis after a 30-year hiatus. It is unlikely I’ll beat Jinks though, as I never did before with good knees, but I am looking forward to a sport other than biking, which I love as well.”
During the week, Laurey added, “I still work in Bethesda investing on behalf of Dutch partners in real estate in developments as we expand to the Carolinas and Florida and into senior care facilities. But best fun is a little bit of teaching in ULI’s UrbanPlan course for [high school] kids. I go to an inner city D.C. school where in a project base module, students assume all roles of community building including development. This next generation is quicker and smarter!”/p>
reported by John Wharton '76