Noah Bengur retired from the Marine Corps after 20 years and seven successful tours overseas. He is flying for Delta Airlines. Noah and his wife, Carmen, enjoy minimalist camping in the great outdoors time of the firing range and getting back up to Baltimore from time to time to eat crabs. Morgan Salmon must have had a heck of a year at Amazon as they continue to take over the world. Expect some drone deliveries of this Gilman Bulletin soon!
Major Noah Bengur is flying for Delta Airlines and still in the Marine Corps Reserves. He lives a pretty normal life when not “flying the friendly skies” or “catching the spirit.” Noah enjoys his Diesel F250, practicing Scout Sniping at the local gun range and washing all of his neighbors’ Subarus. Noah has two beauties in his life: Carmen and Chloe, and three wild dogs. Something very cool that I found out, Noah trained one of the current Blue Angels when he was stationed in Kingsville. “Oorah!”
reported by Will Lanahan '97