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Scott Sullivan '54

May 2022

Scott Sullivan, who is also the corresponding secretary for the Yale class of 1958, reports that he stays pretty much close to home. Actually that is “fake news” from a former Newsweek reporter. It’s a “fact” that becomes obviously fake as he goes on to report that he has recently been to Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, and DC visiting friends who are alive and the funerals of others who are not. And then to top it off he is flying to Paris for his 85th birthday. While there he will travel for a meal or two at his grandson’s five-star restaurant called L'As des Neiges in Les Gets, a picturesque small town in the Haute Savoie ski resort area in the French Alps. He also put in capital letters that he will visit his THREE GREAT GRANDSONS.

reported by David Woods '54


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