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Stephen Scott '64


Stephen Scott modestly responded that “I believe that the quantity and quality of responses to your request must set an all-time record! They make a most interesting read which we cannot rival, so we will remain mute this year. We (Betsy and I) do send our best wishes.” I induced him to unlock the mute button, and in response he added that “other recent events include my stepping down from board chair positions at Harford Mutual Insurance and the Eudowood foundation after six-year stints each. I’ll remain on those boards. Betsy and I look forward to visiting our Martha’s Vineyard house after a year-and-a-half absence.” I am also happy to report that Steve and his class of 1964 Gilman ring, which he had worn since second form in the Upper School but somehow lost last year, were reunited. A very nice lady, whose grandson was then in the fifth grade at Gilman and “loves it,” found the ring while she was walking along Roland Avenue. She contacted the School, which gave her my coordinates, and she wrote to me to ask if I knew who a classmate having the initials “STS” might be. That was not too difficult to figure out and I was then able to put her in touch with Steve, which led to the happy reunion mentioned above. Given Steve’s outstanding lifelong dedication to Gilman, it would have been very sad indeed had the ring been permanently lost.


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