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Tom Fusting '81


In October, Pam and Tom Fusting officially pulled out of Maryland and moved to Franklin, Tennessee. Pre-COVID, Pam left her job with Maryland Human Services and accepted a similar position in Tennessee State government. Her sister and parents had both moved there several years ago, so with the new job, and given Tom’s ability to work remotely, it was an easy decision. Tom is VERY happy having left a Blue State, and now being firmly entrenched in a Red State. His office is in a detached garage, thereby requiring eight steps to get to work in the morning. Being the good Republican that he is, Tom went into great detail sharing how property taxes are about the same between both states, Tennessee has a much higher sales tax at 9.75%, but they also have a $0.00 state income tax. As such, he suggests it is a big net positive for the family. With Tom living so far away now, it will be much more difficult for the two of us to continue having the politically heated discussions that we have enjoyed having together for the last many years. His new life will surely be much more subdued whilst living amongst his peeps.

reported by Willy Moore '81


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