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Adam Chiles (2003–2004)
Adam Chiles (2003–2004) teaches at Northern Virginia Community College. His poems have appeared in Antigonish Review, New Delta Review, Washington Square, Indiana Review, Perihelion, Sycamore Review and Barrow Street and other publications in the United States, Canada and England. He has received two full scholarships to attend the Bread Loaf Writers conference in 1998 and 1999 and was a finalist for the 2000 Pablo Neruda Award and the 2002 Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellowship. He was also a semi-finalist for the Discovery/“The Nation” Award, and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Adam's first book will be released in summer 2008 (published by a UK press) and will be launched in the UK at the Chester Writers Festival in October 2008.


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