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Raymond Diaz-Mena, Middle School Callard Penn Fellow, Mathematics

Raymond is a graduate of Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vermont, where he received his Bachelor of Arts in sociology with a minor in education studies. While there, he was president of the Student Government Association and president of one of the cultural organizations on campus, Distinguished Men of Color. In addition, he was a resident assistant, math tutor, peer education facilitator, and dancer.

Raymond is a graduate of The Browning School in New York City, an all-boys independent school where he was captain of the varsity fencing and track teams. He spent this past year working as an apprentice teacher at New Canaan Country School in New Canaan, Connecticut, and has summer teaching experience working at Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, New Hampshire, and The Taft School in Watertown, Connecticut. In his free time, he enjoys expanding his food palate, going thrifting, and working out.


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