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Gilman Robotics Team is Headed to States!

Congratulations, Gilman First LEGO League (FLL)! They did an outstanding job representing Gilman’s top-shelf robotics program.

The Lumenators scored 140 points in a match during their first year of competition! It was especially outstanding as they were one of the few teams to accomplish the bridge challenge! 

The Greybots won the Judges Award.  During the course of competition the judges may encounter teams whose unique efforts, performance or dynamics merit recognition. Some teams have a story that sets them apart in a noteworthy way. Sometimes a team is so close to winning an award that the judges choose to give special recognition to the team. Judges Awards allow the freedom to recognize remarkable teams that stand out for reasons other than the Core Award categories.

The TechHounds won second place in the Innovative Solution Project Award!  This award recognizes a team’s solution that is exceptionally well-considered and creative, with good potential to solve the problem researched and was well-deserved for their work to make transportation on scooters safer!

The Rockethounds, who won the Core Values award for Teamwork.  This award recognizes a team that is able to accomplish more together than they could as individuals through shared goals, strong communication, effective problem solving and excellent time management.  The Rockethounds will also advance to the States Competition on February 22.  



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