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Another Lower School Read-a-thon in the Books

The results are in! At a virtual assembly on Friday, March 11, it was revealed that the Lower School boys collectively read for more than 4,893 hours during their monthlong annual read-a-thon. The original goal was 500 hours, a milestone they reached on the very first day!

Director of Service Learning Donell Thompson ’91 reminded the boys that “we read for Thread, which works on bringing connection throughout the community.” As if the thousands of logged reading hours weren’t accomplishment enough, the boys also learned that together, they raised nearly $25,000 for the Baltimore organization.

Lower School science teacher Becca Stolzenbach emphasized that this was a group effort: “It was not one person, it was a community.” She also gave everyone a challenge as they head into spring break. “I want you to go out of your way to thank someone in our community.”

Vice president of interconnection at Thread Nick Greer joined the Zoom as well. He said, “I didn't know how much money you raised; this is a huge surprise to me!” He also added to Stolzenbach’s challenge, and suggested the boys give a community helper a “celebration fist bump” — a new take on a traditional fist bump, which, as he demonstrated, ends with “fireworks” created from an exploding-finger motion and vocal sound effects. “We have enough ‘yarn’ to thread our entire community together,” he said.

Head of Lower School Linda Fussell ended the assembly with a message for the students. “This is what YOU did. This is the power that you have. You can make a difference.”


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