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Stay Up to Date by Syncing Your Calendar with Gilman

The best way to stay up to date on Gilman events is to sync your personal electronic calendar with the Gilman website calendars, per the instructions below:

  1. All Gilman website calendars are enabled with RSS feeds. On any Gilman website page where a calendar appears, click the RSS icon to download the iCal feed.
  2. Next, hover your mouse (desktop) or tap (mobile) the iCal green button to see the options available to you. If you are adding to an iPhone or Outlook, choose the last option (Add to Default Calendar App).

Please note that not all calendar programs allow you to delete events from your personal calendar. You will also need to subscribe to the same calendar on each of your devices (iPad, phone, etc.)

If you have questions about or difficulty with this function, please contact


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