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Join the Gilman Parent Wellness Committee on Thursday, November 7

The Gilman Wellness Committee invites interested parents to join our upcoming meeting on Thursday, November 7 at 8 a.m. in the Gilman Room (inside Carey Hall).

The committee's goal is to provide parents with a safe place to share concerns, ask questions, and, most importantly, feel connected and healthy.

During committee meetings, guest speakers from the community present on topics relevant to current events and that are of specific interest to Gilman parents. We also discuss various pillars of wellness throughout the year. Additionally, we spend time during our meetings planing our annual events, including the Wellness Roundtable, which takes place in the spring.

Questions? Email

We hope to see you soon!

-Kingsley Rooney P'30 & Michelle Mele P'34
Wellness Committee Co-Chairs


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